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We're ready for high school!
Reach Back Applications Closed, Check back in spring 2025
An Enrichment Program for Rising
High School Freshmen and Sophomores
For most young people, the transition from Middle School to High School is daunting because they are not well prepared to do college-level work. The Reach Back program gets students off to a good start by giving them tools they can use to make the transition less stressful and more organized.

Caddies, seasonal workers, or sons/daughters of permanent full-time or part-time employees are eligible and may apply. Applicants must be:
Entering high school this coming Fall as Freshmen or Sophomores.
Committed to working at Glen View Club throughout high school and college;
Sons/daughters with parents committed to working at GVC for the next several years.

Parents gather to hear speeches by Reach Back students on the last day of the Seminar.
Students get 40 hours of highly interactive and experiential instruction, which vastly improves communication, organization and adult interaction skills. At the end of week, students deliver formal presentations to an audience of parents, fellow students, and Foundation Directors, articulating "One Good Thing" they've learned to do to advance in school.
Two firms deliver the program.
1. Educational Endeavors. Their “Ideal Student Workshop” focuses on character, learning strategies and habits to be successful in school and life.
2. L.E.A.P. Learning Systems Their team teaches “Language for Scholars” with a focus on speaking and listening skills.
The skills developed in the Ideal Student Workshop are critical, but insufficient unless a person possesses the communication skills necessary to establish credibility and effectively make arguments that lead to positive action. That’s where LEAP comes in. The two together provide a complete and powerful package.

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